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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 0293c126.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-01-21  |  250KB  |  622x849  |  8-bit (248 colors)
Labels: crt screen | daily | monitor | reckoner | sky | windowpane
OCR: THE MONEY RANKINGS:TAXABLE BOND FUNDS Fluo-yos FUTHC NAME DeanWitter Worldwlde Ineome W $338.7 None $115 inaiDe Delchoater HYC $16,11 D. 779.3 4.76 104 roGroup -Tmar .Rsvs.Intermed 14.709 625.9 30 Del OGrou Govommontincom USG 15,092 0.0 191.8 1.70 109 DreytusABondPlus HCC 16,803 545.4 Nene Qreytus MBS 15,852 1.862.8 Ncne Dreyfu simvostor: ONMA MBS 15,707 Nene Oreyfus 100%U.5 treas ylatermediato STI 10.0 15.958 237.6 Ncne Dreyfus 100%U.6 TronsuryLong Tern USG 17,05L 245. Ncne Droyfas 100%U.5 Treaaury Short Term ST 15,660 137.0 Nene parg eajlag BNHT MBS 16,192 150.2 Dreyfus -Intermediate Governnien ST 15.0 322.2 Ncne Dreyfur Strategicincom: HYC 16,912 141.5 3.0 Erton GovommantObligatiens ST 15,208 467.6 1.75 Eaton Vaneo High Ineomo Trust HYC 15,60 299.5 Hene Erton Vanes Inc efBoston HYC 19 1 ...